Delivery FAQs

Order Status & ETA Changes

We understand how important it is for you to receive your order quickly! For the most up-to-date information on your order’s estimated delivery, please check the order tracking provided in your confirmation email.

The delivery window may change on occasion, but this is not indicative of any issues. We strive to be honest and provide you with accurate updates on your order. If you’re experiencing any issues with your order, please contact us by clicking the chat icon at the bottom of your confirmation email. Please have your order number ready!

There is stuff missing from my order

We sincerely apologize for the mistake! We would be happy to correct this, please reach out to our Customer Service Team by going to the order confirmation email, clicking the chat icon at the bottom of the page. Please have your order number ready!

Items in my order are expired.

We sincerely apologize for the mistake! Gopuff has a high standard of ensuring that we provide our customers with fresh and reliable products. We would be happy to correct this, please reach out to our Customer Service Team by going to the order confirmation email, clicking the chat icon at the bottom of the page. Please have your order number ready! 


Why was my order canceled?

We’re so sorry that your order couldn’t be delivered as planned. The delivery process contains many variables that sometimes prevent orders from being delivered, including but not limited to weather conditions, local circumstances, and the inability to contact a customer at the point of delivery. An automated text message to the customer is generated each time an order is canceled, so please refer to your text messages for more details on your specific cancellation reason.

If you have any additional questions, please reach out to our Customer Service Team by going to the Gopuff app, clicking the account icon at the bottom of the page, and selecting Help.

My delivery driver didn’t come to my door.

We want you to have an amazing experience and the best customer service every time you order. We would be happy to help you with this, please reach out to our Customer Service Team by going to the order confirmation email, clicking the chat icon at the bottom of the page. Please have your order number ready! 

My order ETA changed, is something wrong?

Nothing is wrong! We want to be as honest as possible about when you’ll receive your Gopuff order. If your delivery estimate changes for any reason, we update your ETA immediately so you know when to expect your order. ETA’s may be adjusted for a variety of reasons: road conditions, weather conditions, traffic, or abnormally high order volume at your Gopuff location, and more.

How long does delivery normally take?

Delivery times may vary based on your location in the delivery zone and the time your order is placed. You can find your estimated delivery time in the order tracking page provided in your confirmation email.